Valencia teen, Chaguanas man missing

Missing 15 year old Keva Hamid. -
Missing 15 year old Keva Hamid. -

A 15-year-old Valencia girl is missing.

Keva Hamid was last seen on November 13 and was reported missing to the Valencia Police Post on November 15. She is of mixed descent, approximately five foot two inches tall, slim-built and has a brown complexion and short, curly hair. She was last seen wearing a brown dress and gold-coloured pants.

The TTPS is asking anyone with information to call the Valencia Police Post at 667-9030, 800-TIPS, or any police station.

Missing 46 year old Dominic Guy. -

In another case, the Chaguanas Police Station is asking the public to find 46-year-old Dominic Guy of Enterprise, Chaguanas. He is of mixed descent, approximately five foot two inches in height and stockily built. Guy has a brown complexion and a close-shaved haircut.

He was last seen on November 13 and reported missing on November 15.

Anyone with information on Guy's whereabouts is asked to call the Chaguanas Police Station at 665-5271 or 800-TIPS, or call any police station.


"Valencia teen, Chaguanas man missing"

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