Testament to Imbert's many contributions

THE EDITOR: "Purpose is when you know and understand what you were born to accomplish" – Dr Myles Munroe.
Congratulations to Prof Clement Imbert on receiving the nation's highest award: the Order of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago in the spheres of innovation, education, and culture and the arts. Such a prestigious honour is a testament to his exceptional contributions to academia, research and society.
His illustrious career truly demonstrates unwavering dedication and commitment to advancing knowledge in those areas. His record-breaking research and expertise in engineering have not only expanded to significant contributions to the development of the steelpan but invaluable insights into policymaking in shaping the landscape of TT, and influencing global discourse.
Having worked on several boards – the University of TT (UTT), the Caribbean Industrial Research Institute (Cariri) and the Accreditation Council of TT (ACTT) – strongly evinces intellectual rigour for institutional innovation and effectiveness.
His remarkable achievements will undoubtedly continue to inspire us all for years to come.
Port of Spain
"Testament to Imbert’s many contributions"