Mexican ambassador allegedly assaulted: Cocorite man apologises for aggressive behaviour

A 40-year-old Cocorite man who was accused of assaulting and threatening to kill the Mexican Ambassador has apologised for his aggressive behaviour towards the diplomat.
However, Richard Henry of Waterhole, Cocorite, insists he did not threaten to kill Victor Hugo Morales Melendez.
On Sunday, Henry told Newsday he had just spent his last few dollars on a foreign-used tyre when an accident happened in St James, damaging his front right wheel. Henry gave permission to Newsday to use his name.
Police reported that 60-year-old Melendez told them he was dragged out of his Hyundai Santa Fe by a man who threatened him.
Reports on the incident said a driver pulled out of a parking spot and collided with a diplomat's vehicle. The man allegedly got out of his car, pulled the diplomat out of the driver's seat and threatened him.
The report said Melendez told them his attacker took out a piece of iron and struck the roof of his SUV.
The incident took place at about 7 pm on the Western Main St James, near the amphitheatre, which is next to the St James Police Station.
Newsday called Melendez, but got no answer. Henry, when contacted, was remorseful.
“I am very sorry. I didn’t know he was an ambassador. I was just real mad because after the incident, he was acting like he wanted to just drive off. I thought was a Venezuelan because he talking and I not understanding him properly.”
Henry said friends were calling him telling him of an article reporting that he had threatened the ambassador, and were laughing, but for him it was nothing funny.
“I spend my last to buy that tyre, because I didn’t want police to give me no ticket, and like this man just pull up on me and hit me and then want to drive off.
"I admit I was a bit aggressive and I am sorry. I did take out a piece of iron from the trunk, because I does bend iron, and hit his vehicle.”
The carpenter said he had a beer and was not intoxicated, just infuriated because he had experiences in the past of people hitting his vehicle and driving off. He only found out Melendez was an ambassador when responding officers PCs Ramkripaul, Morgan, Wilson, and WPC Hayes told him the identity of the other driver.
Henry spent an hour at the St James Police Station before being released. He said he now has to borrow money to fix his car.
“Boss, if you could get that message across to him and tell him I am sorry for my behaviour, I will appreciate that,” Henry said.
"Mexican ambassador allegedly assaulted: Cocorite man apologises for aggressive behaviour"