Point Fortin man falls eight feet to his death

SOUTH Western Division police are investigating the circumstances under which a Point Fortin man fell some eight feet to his death on Tuesday.
Narish Balroop, 42, a truck driver of Cap De Ville Main Road, Point Fortin, was reportedly leaning against a wooden bannister on the porch of his home around 12.30 pm, when a rotting post attached to the railing, gave way.
Balroop fell, head first, onto a dirt yard on the compound.
He then collapsed on his back. He was rushed to the Point Fortin Hospital by his nephew, Brandon Maharaj, 28, and Ag Insp Griffith from the Point Fortin Municipal Police where he received emergency treatment.
He was pronounced dead by Dr Lal after more than half an hour of CPR failed to revive him.
Police were informed of the incident and officers PC Bryan and a party of officers, along with CSK PC Mc Guire and photographer PC George visited the scene.
The body was removed to the mortuary of the Point Fortin hospital, pending a postmortem.
PC Trotman is continuing investigations.
"Point Fortin man falls eight feet to his death"