Kangaloo: Be mindful of the seeds sowed in life

President Christine Kangaloo -
President Christine Kangaloo -

President Christine Kangaloo called on people to be mindful of the seeds they chose to sow and of the things elected to plant in their lives.

The advice formed part of her Corpus Christi message. She said TT has developed a custom particularly among farmers, of sowing seeds and planting on Corpus Christi, as it will result in a bountiful harvest.

"So to," she added, "may we choose to engage in self-affirming and life-giving pursuits. May we choose to imitate Christ’s qualities of love, forgiveness and sacrifice.

"Just as Christians memorialise their membership in the body of Christ at Corpus Christi, let us all, by imitating His qualities, memorialise both our membership in and our corresponding responsibilities to the human race."

She said if this is done, if people make those kinds of choices, they too can be confident of a bountiful harvest both individually and in the wider society.

Kangaloo added that like the other religious holidays, Corpus Christi brings with it lessons that are universal and relevant to every creed and every race. She said it celebrates the reminder that the divine is always here and that reminder is particularly important in times of difficulty.

“Its celebration also reminds us of Christ’s enduring lessons of love, forgiveness and sacrifice. These qualities are central to the human experience and the realisation of our fullest potential including on the spiritual level.”


"Kangaloo: Be mindful of the seeds sowed in life"

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