Kamla asks PM to reconsider stance: Let's meet on crime

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar - Photo by Sureash Cholai
Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar - Photo by Sureash Cholai

THE Opposition Leader is calling on the Prime Minister to reconsider his stance and meet with the UNC and others in the interest of co-operating to fight the crime scourge gripping the country.

In a press release on Thursday afternoon, UNC political leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar said the crime crisis demanded that all leaders exercise humility and prudence as they seek to protect citizens.

"We must set aside vanity and egotism as too many lives are being lost and destroyed, we must work together. Therefore, I request that Keith Rowley reconsider his refusal to the offers of co-peration from the UNC and all other interested and willing stakeholders in our country to address the crime crisis," she said.

During the Prime Minister's Question and Answer segment of the sitting of the House of Representatives on Wednesday, Dr Rowley said an emphatic no to meeting with former police commissioner Gary Griffith to discuss crime-fighting strategies.

He also said that he regularly meets with the Opposition in Parliament, and accused the UNC of obstructing every effort of the Government to fight crime.


Saying if the Opposition is prepared to change its position, he is ready to meet with them inside and outside of the Parliament.

But in her release on Thursday, Persad-Bissessar said crime does not discriminate and nor should the Government.

"The victims and perpetrators of crime span all political affiliations, ethnicities, religions, social standings and income levels. No matter which sector of society we identify with, we must have the humility to accept this fact, put aside emotions and work together for all our citizens. All citizens must equally feel safe in Trinidad and Tobago."

She said it was essential to show the criminal element that there is a determination to arrest the crime problem, and all are united in the effort to protect citizens.

The Siparia MP expressed disappointment in Rowley's flat refusal to collaborate with her, the UNC and Griffith, saying there exists an opportunity to merge state policy and operational know-how in the crime fight.

Persad-Bissessar also reminded that as Opposition Leader she met with Rowley on two occasions previously to discuss a bilateral approach to dealing with crime.

"Multiple proposals were put forward by the UNC, (but) Keith Rowley refused to consider these proposals," she claimed.

She reiterated that the unprecedented level of criminality requires a multi-faceted and cooperative approach which draws on expertise from all sectors of society.

She said the UNC has presented a comprehensive plan to address the root causes of crime and implement short medium and long-term solutions. They include:


• Increased investment in education.

• Job creation.

• Social programs.

• Rehabilitation policies and plans for prisoners.

• Bail reform.

• Updated law enforcement training.

• Adjustments to ministerial portfolios.

• Scientific improvements in training, investigations and data analysis for crime prevention.

• New legislation such as stand your ground and home invasion laws.


• Increased access to legal firearms for citizens.


"Kamla asks PM to reconsider stance: Let’s meet on crime"

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