Family: Penal murder a case of mistaken identity

SHOCKED by the murder of Adesh Heeralal, also known as Kevin, his relatives believe his shooting death on Monday night was a case of mistaken identity.
Heeralal, 28, a linesman, was called out of his home at Wilson Road, Clarke Road, Penal, around 8.35 pm, and shot dead a short distance away.
His common-law-wife of four years, Menisha Bridgemohan, believes the man who called him outside that night was paid to lead him to his death.
Heeralal was shot four times, once on the right side, which punctured his lungs, and to the back, front and groin area.
He collapsed as he ran to the nearby home of his father, Radesh Rampersad, who took him to the Siparia District Health Facility, where he was pronounced dead shortly after 9 pm
South Western Divisional CSI officers PCs Moreno and Telesford found two spent 9 mm casings, one projectile and a Samsung cellphone at the scene.
Speaking to the media at the family’s home on Tuesday, Bridgemohan said she had no idea why anyone would want to kill Heeralal.
His uncle Rajendra Rampersad said there was no way his nephew could have been marked for death.
“What they did to my nephew was a senseless thing. Whoever called that shot, they did a senseless thing. This is the wrong man they killed.”
He described Heeralal as a family man and a productive human being who had a steady job and lived for his wife and his 18-month-old son.
Heeralal’s sister Asha Sajurlal said the same as she hugged her sister-in-law as they consoled each other.
“To be honest, everybody at this point believe it was a case of mistaken identity because Kevin was a loveable person. Everybody who met Kevin loved him.
“All my brother wanted was a son, and he only get to spend one year of his life with him,” she said causing fresh tears to flow down Bridgemohan's cheeks.
Commenting on the number of murders, including a triple murder in which a father and son were among the dead at the nearby Charlo Village, she said life has no value and people are living in fear
“Before, people would say, 'Don’t come out of your house after hours.' Now you can’t come out of your house at all.
“If you do somebody something or don’t do nothing, you still living with fear. If a man cuss you, you just have to bow your head and say, 'Thanks,' and walk away, because you don’t know who is going to pull a gun on you. I see on the news people getting killed for a bad drive.”
Rampersad called on “the bad boys" to "put down your guns, refrain from your wicked way and ask God to forgive you.
“Live the right way,” he advised, “because you have family too. You have mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters and you would not like if the same thing happen to them."
Investigations are continuing.
"Family: Penal murder a case of mistaken identity"