Those to whom we owe a debt

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THE EDITOR: Who are they, those who crouch behind their monitors?

These are paragons of eloquence, gurus of grammar, the ones who coin or spin a delicate phrase and make the most boring matters, which politicians deem we must hear about, come alive, at times employing anecdotes to make complex issues clear to us. Some forever unknown, as they bask in their anonymity.

In them reside an appreciation of key issues relevant to the official on whose behalf they tirelessly toil, sometimes upon an urgent request.

Was it the king who dreamed a dream, a president who spoke of all free men being citizens of Berlin, the other who said to the Soviet leader to tear down that wall? Nay, there were silent individuals in the shadows crafting these stirring words.

These are the speechwriters to whom we owe a debt, otherwise what will leaders do in their absence? Surely only stumble as they sentence us to weariness with drab sermons bereft of spirit.





"Those to whom we owe a debt"

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