Why we forget
THE EDITOR: Why do we forget, people? What are the contributing factors? Why does forgetting occur?
Here are some theories:
* The interference theory: Forgetting is the result of different memories interfering with one another.
* The decay theory: In this case the length of time between the memory and recalling that information determines whether the information will be retained or forgotten.
* The retrieval failure theory: We do not remember information because it never made it into long-term memory in the first place.
* The cue dependent theory: Information is present in memory but cannot be recalled unless retrieval cues are present.
Forgetting is a part of life.
Hear my better half, "AV, I am putting it to you, you were in the mall with a well endowed female Vene on Friday."
I reply, "It is alleged. Were you there? I may have been there but I do not recall."
Princes Town
"Why we forget"