US embassy promotes English courses for Venezuelans

Marianmer González came to TT five years ago from Maturín, Venezuela, looking for better opportunities for her family.
Her husband, Gregor, had already been here for two years when she and her little daughter arrived. The three together decided to learn English to improve their social status and get better jobs.
However, Gonzalez's big break came three months ago. Through the NGO TTVSolnet, she registered in the online course the US embassy opened to help Spanish-speaking migrants.
González participated in all levels of the course and received her certification this week.
“I am very happy to have participated in this course. My level of English grew thanks to the professionalism and dedication of the teachers,” she told Newsday.
She studied from Monday to Thursday from 7 pm-8 pm through video calls for three months.
“I love languages and I saw a great opportunity to learn English. I studied English in Venezuela but due to the high cost I could not complete it. This time it's totally free,” she said.
González works cleaning houses, but her goal is to learn to perfect her English so that she can aspire to a job in her professional field, human resources management.
Rose Rodgers, Assistant Public Affairs Officer of the US embassy, said the English course will started in October 2020. To date, 30 students have graduated.
Rodgers said: “It's a real support for migrants. In this case, they are Venezuelans who need to increase their communication to have more job opportunities here.”
The courses are taught by North American professors with experience in teaching languages through virtual platforms.
González is part of the group of 10 people who this week completed the fifth phase of the course since it began two years ago.
Rodgers said the objective of the US embassy is to support migrants in their goals of improving their education and training and that the English course is a great advancement.
“We are helping friends and partners of the embassy with different supports and opportunities for migrants, with courses according to the programs managed by the US government,” she said.
One of these partners is the NGO TTVSolnet. Heidi Diquez, manager and founder thanked the support of the US government for Venezuelan migrants.
“It is important our community educate itself, they continue to advance and especially the mothers who have been fighting for their children in a country with a totally different language. That will open the doors to many jobs,” said Diquez.
TTVSolnet will continue to coordinate the registration of applicants for the courses. Those interested can go to their social networks for more information.
"US embassy promotes English courses for Venezuelans"