I Dream of Calypso premieres

The TT Film Co Ltd (FilmTT) was thrilled at the release of locally-produced film content as a result of its Script to Screen Programme.
Solange Plaza of JIS Productions Ltd held the world premiere of her short film, I Dream of Calypso, at a red-carpet gala at Central Bank Auditorium on August 29.
Guests had the opportunity to see artefacts from the 90s Museum curated by the Brij Maharaj Auto & Heritage Museum. They were serenaded by pan played by Tiajuana Hernandez and treated to several performances before seeing the film – most of which were calypso, which tied in with the theme, a media release said.
The 15-minute short tells the story of a shy young girl who dreams of singing calypso but must first gain the approval of her religious parents. It aims to showcase a slice of life in TT as the nation celebrates its 60th Independence anniversary.
Set in the 1990s, this comedy drama is set to evoke nostalgia.
I Dream of Calypso was written by Plaza, directed by Joash Alexander and produced by Victoria Gour-Votor. The film stars Cayla Allen, Michelle Sylvester and Sean Daniel.
Speaking at the event were Dionne McNicol-Stephenson, chairman of FilmTT, and Daren Lee Sing, managing director at WESN.
McNicol-Stephenson said, “Today, as we are about to witness this dream come true, I am reminded, and remind us, 'Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.'
"Our part in the journey to this day commenced in 2021 when Solange placed second in our Script to Screen Short Film Script Pitch competition. Her willingness to do the work necessary enabled her to qualify for further investment and distribution opportunity through our 2022 content creation and marketing programme, through which the short film we are about to see was produced and will be screened before audiences in Toronto, Canada, at the Caribbean Tales Film Festival.”
On September 30, 2021, FilmTT hosted its first-ever live show, The Pitch, to reveal the winners from its Business of Film: Script to Screen Programme. Plaza’s script placed in the top three, which were awarded developmental funding.
The Script to Screen Programme was a FilmTT initiative brought to life with the support from partner organisations Stage 32, exporTT and TTT. It was intended to give stakeholders the advantage of access to business opportunities and professional growth. Local and international industry professionals facilitated the sessions, which included practical components and funding incentives.
For more info: on the Business of Film: Script to Screen Programme, visit www.filmtt.co.tt/scriptworkshops
"I Dream of Calypso premieres"