Search for body in Cumaca cut short by river, terrain

Police from various units had to cut short their search for the body of a missing man in Cumaca, eastern Trinidad who they suspect may be dead.
Police said a friend of the missing man claimed that he found a decomposing body in a heavily forested area in Cumaca at around 8 am when he was going to plant crops.
Officers from the Eastern Division Task Force and the Homicide Bureau of Investigations Region II went to the area but were unable to get to the exact spot identified by the farmer due to the terrain and a river which picked up speed owing to heavy rainfall.
Investigators said they are expected to return to the area tomorrow to try and find the body.
Police said the man was last seen alive last week while planting crops in the forest.
Eastern Division police are continuing enquiries.
"Search for body in Cumaca cut short by river, terrain"