THA Minority Leader: Over 250 contract workers fired

THA Minority Leader Kelvon Morris has alleged the Progressive Democratic Patriots-led assembly, since assuming office in December 2021, has fired more than 250 contract workers without compensation.
He made the allegation on Tuesday while responding to the THA’s $3.97 billion Tobago budget in the Assembly Legislature, Scarborough. Chief Secretary Farley Augustine delivered the presentation last Thursday.
Morris, representative for Darrel Spring/Whim, acknowledged that the majority of Tobago’s electorate had bought into the PDP’s message of putting people before politics.
“But now they are putting politics before people. Hook, line and sinker, they (voters) were hoodwinked,” he said.
Morris said while the PNM respected the outcome of the democratic process, “What we will not stand idly by and allow is the systematic dismantling of the institution of the THA that was birthed in 1980 with the support of the PNM.”
He alleged, “In less than a year, this institution has summarily dismissed over 250 Tobagonians without due process, without a justifiable reason and under the guise of restructuring while hiring hundreds of their friends and families.”
Morris said whenever this issue is raised, the PDP always accuses the PNM of dismantling the Ministry of Tobago Development, which was conceptualised during the former People’s Partnership’s 2010-2015 term in office.
“But I want to put on the record and bring clear public clarification that the PNM campaigned in 2015 clearly telling all of Trinidad and Tobago that the Ministry of Tobago Development was the People’s Partnership’s arrangement to undermine, derail the autonomy of this very august institution we all love and serve.
“And it is for that reason the people of TT, including all of Tobago, resoundingly gave the PNM the mandate to remove that institution that was the Ministry of Tobago Development.”
Morris asked PDP members, “How would you feel if such a ministry existed in Tobago at this time, where you have a PNM central government and a THA that is undermining the works of the PDP? I am sure you would have objected to that.”
He described as “objectionable” the PDP’s decision to “fire every and anything looking like PNM.”
At this point, Roxborough/Delaford representative Watson Duke, rose to his feet, citing Standing Order 45, which stipulates that members debate issues under consideration.
Presiding Officer Abby Taylor concurred. But Morris persisted.
“We are talking about a fiscal allocation, revenue and expenditure that involves job creation and this administration has taken a clear policy to job destruction in Tobago. They are firing our Tobagonians. They are all our brothers and sisters and I will not stand idly and watch this administration persecute our Tobago brothers and sisters.”
He added, “On that, matter it (Standing Orders) is clear. We talked about issues to employ people and this administration is terminating people at this time. So I am clearly within the outlets of the Standing Orders.”
Morris said the PDP does not like to hear the truth.“I know it is a difficult pill to swallow.”
He claimed the halls of the Port Mall, Scarborough, were “filled with Tobagonians who are seeking redress from this tyrannical administration.
“It is abominable that in the middle of a pandemic, this administration has determined a policy to terminate contract employment of Tobagonians without compensation and trying to compare that to TSTT (Telecommunications Services of TT). But TSTT workers are going home well-paid.”
Morris said he recently spoke to a former TSTT employee, who claimed she was “well compensated” after having worked at the company for 21 years.
"THA Minority Leader: Over 250 contract workers fired"