Kamla: Ignore attempts at division, hate

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar is calling on the nation to ignore attempts at division, ignore hate and revitalise TT with love as the Spiritual Baptist community has done.
In her message on Wednesday to mark Spiritual Shouter Baptist Liberation Day, Persad-Bissessar said many times focus is placed on how this day emerged, but the focus should really be placed on the enrichment the followers of the faith has brought to our nation.
“Today I join our Spiritual Baptist community to celebrate the end of one of the gravest injustices ever placed on a people – the Shouter Prohibition Ordinance of 1917 which denied members of this faith their right to worship.
“More importantly, as I wish the Spiritual Baptist community warm greetings on this day, a day in which we celebrate the ability of a people to not only practise their beliefs but spread the wisdom of their faith, I encourage our nation to unite in the great joy this day brings.”
Persad-Bissessar said, after the repeal of the ordinance the community renewed its commitment to uplift our nation, their practices revitalised our way of life, and their faith offered renewed hope.
“As a community, they put aside the hurt and difficulties of the past to build and create a better nation. Their resilience, resolve, and strength of their faith are values we should all seek to emulate as we strive to build a better future for our country.
“Today we pay tribute to a people who have selflessly battled adversity not for their own benefit but rather for the common good of humanity. Today we congratulate and offer our best wishes to the Spiritual Baptist community whose strength inspire and push us forward each day.”
"Kamla: Ignore attempts at division, hate"