Shot baby's Venezuelan mother discharged from hospital

DARIELVIS Sarabia, mother of the Venezuelan baby Yaelvis Santoyo who was killed by coast guard officers on February 5, was discharged from the Sangre Grande Hospital into the care of her relatives on Monday afternoon.
Sarabia had been under guard at the hospital as she recovered from gunshot wounds she sustained on the boat as she attempted to enter TT illegally along with Yaelvis and her daughter, Dana Santoyo, 2, on February 5. She was taken to the hospital the following day.
Sarabia has since undergone surgery to insert a metal plate into her injured shoulder last Thursday and was taken to the Sangre Grande Police Station for questioning last Friday.
Relatives told Newsday that Sarabia was again taken to the police station after being discharged by the hospital on Monday. She was then released into the care of her husband Yermi Santoyo.
Police confirmed to Newsday on Monday that Sarabia was released into care of her husband under an order of supervision. She will be interviewed by Immigration officers in the presence of police on Tuesday.
The family is being allowed by authorities to remain in Trinidad and Tobago legally while investigations continue.
"Shot baby’s Venezuelan mother discharged from hospital"