Central Division working to increase murder detection rate

File photo by Lincoln Holder.
File photo by Lincoln Holder.

HEAD of the Central Division Snr Supt Curt Simon is working towards increasing the murder detection rate in his division.

At the weekly police briefing at the Police Administration Building, Sackville Street, Port of Spain on Thursday, Simon said the acceptable detection rate internationally is between 30 and 40 per cent.

“I know globally an acceptable detection rate for murder is between 30 and 40 per cent. There are a lot of variables that tend to impact detection – geography, culture. We would like to see 100 per cent detection, but all crimes cannot be solved.

"We would like to see a higher detection rate, perhaps something more in keeping with what might be a little more acceptable globally around the 40 per cent rate. Right now we are hovering somewhere around 30 per cent.”

Simon said when he assumed leadership of the division there was already a changing in the country’s gang culture and the district benefited from that.


He boasted, though, that the division has a detection rate of 50 per cent for shootings even though there is an increase in reports. He attributes the higher detection rate to the increased trust placed by members of the public in police officers and the training his officers received from the Homicide Bureau Region Three.

He added that officers are using technology to support their crime-fighting initiatives.

Overall, he said, there was a five per cent decrease in serious crime in the division when compared to last year. He did not provide figures to support his claim.

Also at the briefing was Supt Michael Pierre who said part of the crime fighting in the division had to do with the rehabilitation of drug addicts who have been terrorising Lange Park and Enterprise, Chaguanas areas.

He said the programme is supported by the MP for Chaguanas East Vandana Mohit and non-governmental organisations in the division. The rehabilitation is part of the police’s soft approach and long-term crime-fighting plan.

After the briefing, heads of the police divisions and different units were each given a cheque by the Police Social and Welfare Association to celebrate with their respective officers.

Larger divisions received $15,000 each, while others received $10,000. Large units received $8,000, smaller units and sections received $5,000 and $8,000 depending on their size.

The money from the association is part of monthly contributions made by members. In total $307,000 was given.

DCP Mc Donald Jacob said the executive will match the association’s contribution. That money will come from the police service’s award fund.


Jacob said the police service is a strong unit, especially when its back is against the wall.


"Central Division working to increase murder detection rate"

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