Divali safety

FILE PHOTO: Rohini Mangru of St Johns Trace Siparia lights deyas at the band stand of the Royal Botanic Gardens, St Ann's, Port of Spain at Divali celebrations hosted by the Office of the President on October 14, 2017. Photo by Sureash Cholai
FILE PHOTO: Rohini Mangru of St Johns Trace Siparia lights deyas at the band stand of the Royal Botanic Gardens, St Ann's, Port of Spain at Divali celebrations hosted by the Office of the President on October 14, 2017. Photo by Sureash Cholai

THE EDITOR: Divali will be celebrated on Thursday in TT. Here are some safety suggestions:

* Avoid bursting firecrackers.

* The elderly should stay indoors.

* Do not use sanitiser before lighting deyas.

* Keep sanitiser far from fire.

* Have water nearby.

* Maintain physical distance.

* Avoid greeting others with a hug.

* Refrain from eating outside.

* Wear your mask.

Your safety, my safety is our responsibility.

Happy Divali, TT.


Princes Town


"Divali safety"

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