Jab well done at Diego Martin Health Centre

THE EDITOR: I would like to thank the personnel at the Diego Martin Health Centre for the exemplary service they are providing in the rollout of the covid19 vaccine to the public.

After seeing pictures of long lines of people standing and waiting ­– sometimes in the rain – I was a bit hesitant to personally endure such a scenario in order to get the vaccine.

However, I finally decided that getting that all-important jab was worth at least an hour or two of my time. So I rolled up my sleeve and headed over to the Diego Martin Health Centre.

On arrival, to my delight, I found no lines, and the entire process – from the politeness of the gate attendant who directed me to the appropriate parking lot, to the registration clerk who instructed me on filling out the form – took less than five minutes!

From there I was immediately sent in to get my jab.


The nurses were professional, efficient, and courteous and made me feel relaxed. Including the mandatory post-jab 20-minute observation time by a nurse, the entire visit lasted approximately half an hour. I heartily commend the people at this health centre for a job well done.

While there are many who are still hesitant about getting vaccinated, I never was – not for a moment. I cannot live my life worrying that every little sneeze or every sore throat could mean that I have become infected with the covid19 virus.

Even though being vaccinated does not provide 100 per cent immunity, at least I will now have additional antibodies floating around my system that will provide me with an extra degree of protection and give me a fighting chance should I come down with the virus.

However, one can never be too safe, so of course, I will still wear a mask and physical distance to doubly ensure my long-term survival.


Diego Martin


"Jab well done at Diego Martin Health Centre"

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