Young: Plans under way to bring in forensic pathologists

National Security Minister Stuart Young
National Security Minister Stuart Young

National Security Minister Stuart Young said although the covid19 pandemic has delayed the construction of a new Forensic Science Centre, his ministry was working with international bodies to bring forensic pathologists to Trinidad and Tobago.

At a government special select committee in November 2019, acting director Derrick Sankar projected the new centre would be six times the size of the current centre in St James.

Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi, who was also a member of the committee, said a memorandum of understanding between TT and China had been approved.

Responding to questions from Newsday via WhatsApp on Friday, Young said despite the setbacks, he recently spoke with Chinese Ambassador Fang Qiu on plans to continue the project.

"I also spoke to members of the National Security team who are charged with the responsibility of getting the project done to emphasise the importance. The designs are being finalised."


Young also announced that he was finalising arrangements with the UN Development Programme (UNDP) for help in bringing in forensic pathologists.

"This has taken much longer than expected, and I have requested that it be prioritised by those responsible for getting it done. Additionally, we are trying to recruit qualified pathologists outside of this arrangement with the UNDP."

In 2018 it was reported that only pathologist was working at the centre after pathologist Dr Valery Alexandrov retired on January 1.


"Young: Plans under way to bring in forensic pathologists"

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