Hinds vows strong partnership with credit unions

Minister of Youth Development and National Service Fitzgerald Hinds speaks at the launch of the TT Co-operative Credit Union League's launch of its calendar of events at Radisson Hotel, Port of Spain on Wednesday. - ROGER JACOB
Minister of Youth Development and National Service Fitzgerald Hinds speaks at the launch of the TT Co-operative Credit Union League's launch of its calendar of events at Radisson Hotel, Port of Spain on Wednesday. - ROGER JACOB

THE CO-OPERATIVE Credit Union League of TT (CCULTT), which now falls under the purview of the Ministry of Youth Development and National Service, has engaged the full attention of the Government and its line ministry.

The league, headed by Joseph Remy, is the parent body for credit unions in TT.

Youth development minister Fitzgerald Hinds gave a feature address on Wednesday when the CCULTT released its calendar of events for 2021, at Radisson Hotel, Port of Spain.

The calendar lists over two dozen events, with confirmed dates. However, because of uncertainty surrounding future covid19 measures, it is yet to be decided whether they will take place virtually or at a venue.

Hinds, addressing presidents and directors of the credit unions represented, said the technical capacity of the Co-operative Development Division has been strengthened, starting with the appointment of an investment analyst.


He said, "We quickly went out, we advertised, we sought and we hired an investment analyst. In so doing, in investing in addition staff ... we hope to remove the backlog that we would have met in terms of those coming from the credit unions."

Hinds noted a strengthening of the legal unit and administrative systems with more staff. The latter, he said, relieves the commissioner and other senior officers of several mundane tasks, allowing them to focus on more critical areas.

Meanwhile, the ministry’s legal unit, he said, was also strengthened and restructured, so that appeal matters could be more efficiently heard and determined by the minister.

In 2019, an inter-ministerial committee including Hinds was formed to address the concerns of the credit-union sector, and to make recommendations for improving it. Cabinet accepted the report and the ministry was mandated to implement its recommendations.

"We have already put ourselves to work," said Hinds, stressing his and the government's commitment to the sector.

Hinds said his ministry is ready, willing and has already begun to create a strategic partnership with the parent body to better serve the needs of the industry.

Co-operative Credit Union League of TT calendar of events:

March 5 - World changes (Covid19 and business continuity), 9.30 am-12 pm, venue TBA

March 23 - Compliance officers' SAR workshop, 9.30 am, virtual or venue TBA


March 23 - Understanding Financial Statements, 9.30 am, virtual or venue TBA

April 11 - 74th AGM, 1 pm, Radisson Hotel, Port of Spain

April 20 - Writing for Business Success, 9.30 am, virtual or venue TBA

April 22, 23 - Managers' conference (The changing role of managers), 9.30 am, virtual or venue TBA

May 6 - Overcoming the Supervisory Challenge (Supervisory/middle management/staff), 9.30 am, virtual or venue TBA

May 15 - Internal audit & officers' responsibilities, 9.30 am, virtual or venue TBA

May 27-30 - 21st Annual Regional Leadership Workshop, Panama City, Panama

June 8 - Member Relations and the Frontline Nightmare, 9.30 am, virtual or venue TBA

June 10 - Lending Guidelines for Credit Officers, 9.30 am, virtual or venue TBA


June 17-22 - CCCU Convention, venue TBA

June 29 - Presidents' meeting, 1.30 pm, virtual or venue TBA

July 3 - Credit Union Members' Forum, 9.30 am, virtual or venue TBA

July 7 - Techniques To Control, 9.30 am, virtual or venue TBA

July 11-14 - WOCCU Conference, Glasgow, Scotland/virtual

July 13 - Understanding Financial Statements, 9.30 am, virtual or venue TBA

September 9 - Presidents' meeting, 1 pm, venue TBA

September 10-11 - Directors' Development Conference, 9 am, virtual or TBA

September 16-17 - 2nd National Compliance Officers' Conference, 9 am, virtual or venue TBA


October 10 - Credit Union Month opening ceremony (hosted by South West Regional Chapter), 9 am, venue TBA

October 14 - Annual Awards Ceremony & Dinner, 6.45 pm, venue TBA

October 28-31 - Credit Union Month closing ceremony/Youth conference and education workshop, 9 am, venue TBA

November 6 - Members' forum, 9.30 am, venue TBA

December 2 - CCULTT's Annual Christmas Affair, 6.30 pm-9.30 pm, Agricola Credit Union

December 9 - Presidents' meeting, 1.30 pm, virtual or venue TBA


"Hinds vows strong partnership with credit unions"

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