JSC to meet with Nidco

THE Joint Select Committee (JSC) on State Enterprises will hold a virtual meeting with the National Infrastructure Development Company Ltd (Nidco) to discuss matters which fall under its remit. The meeting takes place on January 25 from 10 am. Nidco is overseeing the acquisition of the new fast ferries APT James and Buccoo Reef for the domestic seabridge.
The APT James has already arrived in Trinidad and Tobago and is expected to begin service on the seabridge next month.
The Buccoo Reef is en route to TT, having left Tasmania on January 21. This ferry has scheduled stops in French Polynesia and Panama before arriving in TT.
The State Enterprises JSC is chaired by Independent Senator Anthony Vieira. Its other members include Trade and Industry Minister Paula Gopee-Scoon, Minister in the Ministry of Works and Transport Foster Cummings, Labour Minister Stephen McClashie, Government Senator Laurel Lezama-Lee Sing, Minister in the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development Adrian Leonce, Opposition Senator Wade Mark and Pointe-a-Pierre MP David Lee.
The Senate sits at the Red House on January 26 at 1.30 pm for Private Members Day. The JSC on Public Administration and Appropriations will hold a virtual hearing on February 10 from 2 pm to examine the efficiency of the regional health authorities in delivering services to the public.
This committee is chaired by Speaker of the House of Representatives Bridgid Annisette-George.
The House has not held any sittings for the year so far.
"JSC to meet with Nidco"