Donors pledge to raise $1 million for Princess Elizabeth Centre

Jan Sirjusingh, CEO of Princess Elizabeth Centre. PHOTO BY SUREASH CHOLAI -
Jan Sirjusingh, CEO of Princess Elizabeth Centre. PHOTO BY SUREASH CHOLAI -

A Christmas miracle indeed has come through for the Princess Elizabeth Centre as people and corporate sponsors have pledged to help the facility raise $1 million to complete the new orthopaedic wing.

Last week, CEO Jan Sirjusingh took Sunday Newsday on a tour of the construction site which is expected to be completed in the first quarter of next year.

She said said then that the facility needed urgent funds to complete the project so that more children with disabilities can be treated.

Sirjusingh said since the publication of the article several people have reached out and pledged financial support.

She said she was grateful for the pledges from people who responded willing to assist a worthy cause.


The centre reopens on January 4.


"Donors pledge to raise $1 million for Princess Elizabeth Centre"

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