Freemasons donate food, gifts to needy

The organising team of the Alpha Lodge No 20 PHA which hosted their first relief giveaway event in the carpark next to CoPos Credit Union, Pembroke Street, Port of Spain, on Saturday. - Vidya Thurab
The organising team of the Alpha Lodge No 20 PHA which hosted their first relief giveaway event in the carpark next to CoPos Credit Union, Pembroke Street, Port of Spain, on Saturday. - Vidya Thurab

With the mandate to add value to the lives of others, Alpha Lodge No 20 of the 8th Masonic District hosted a charity event on Pembroke Street, Port of Spain, on Saturday.

In the carpark south of CoPoS Credit Union there were toys, children’s books, notebooks, household items such as curtains, toiletries, food stuff, meals, cellphone chargers and cases, clothes and shoes for children and adults, and more for anyone who wanted.

Keiron Regis, worshipful master of Alpha Lodge No 20 said everything was free and there was no limit on how many items people could take.

“Here we are attempting to fulfil that mandate because we know due to covid19 people were negatively impacted by the situation. There are those without jobs, who have kids who may not have a good Christmas, etc, so we decided to come up with this concept to be able to assist people and provide a good Christmas for the children.”

There was a charity drive for the event from which they received donations from the general public – individuals, organisations and corporations – a well as from their fraternal brothers.


Courtney WT Browne, district deputy grandmaster of the 8th Masonic District, TT, under the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Massachusetts said, “All they have to pay is that magic word, thanks. That’s all we are asking.”

He said that freemasonry, especially Prince Hall freemasonry, was a charitable organisation which did a lot of work to aid others, although they usually did not advertise it.

He said the event was the first of many of such events to come as they intended to have a similar events every four months.

Regis gave special thanks to the Civilian Conservation Corp and the TT Prison Service who loaned them tables, chairs, and tents for the event.


"Freemasons donate food, gifts to needy"

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