MP, corporation chair optimistic about Diego Martin borough status

DIEGO Martin Regional Corporation (DMRC) chairman Sigler Jack was optimistic on Monday about what the region's elevation to borough status meant for its overall development.
He said the borough's boundaries would geographically include the Diego Martin West, North/East and Central constituencies. These constituencies are represented in Parliament by the Prime Minister, Finance Minister Colm Imbert and Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister Symon de Nobriga, respectively.
At the opening of the Diego Martin South Community Centre on November 19, Dr Rowley announced the elevation of Diego Martin and Siparia from regional to borough statuses.
Rowley said the DMRC had submitted a proposal to Government to be named as a borough. He added that Diego Martin and Siparia should be boroughs in 2021.
In Jack's view, "We are overqualified to be a borough."
He described Diego Martin as the fastest-growing region in TT, with over 150,000 people living within its boundaries and all of TT's resources within its space. While some people say there is no oil in Diego Martin, Jack countered, "Off Monos Island, from time to time, you can see oil rigs out there. We are in close proximity to oil."
He noted the main bases of the TT Defence Force are in Diego Martin at Teteron (the Regiment) and Staubles Bay (Coast Guard).
Jack said he is trying to meet with the Agriculture Ministry about establishing a food processing plant for farmers in the Diego Martin regions.
"We have agriculture from Paramin all the way to Chaguaramas."
He said Diego Martin also has a major fishing industry and this was boosted by the opening of the Carenage Fishing Centre. While the covid19 pandemic has slowed plans to have outdoor dining at the centre's food court, Jack was confident this would happen once the pandemic has been brought under control.
Jack cited the TT Chamber of Industry and Commerce's headquarters in Westmoorings and the Diamond Vale Industrial Park as examples of commerce in Diego Martin.
He also boasted, "We are heavily fortified with some of the best residential areas in TT." Jack identified Westmoorings, Maraval and Petit Valley as just some prime residential areas in Diego Martin.
He cited the new Carenage Health Centre and the University of TT's campus in Chaguaramas as respective examples of modern health and education facilities in Diego Martin.
When all of these components are put together, it is clear to see why Diego Martin should be a borough, he argued. After noting that a significant platform has been laid for development in Diego Martin, Jack opined that things could only improve, once the region is upgraded to a borough.
De Nobriga, who was DMRC chairman before the August 10 general election, said he was excited as MP and a resident to see what borough status would bring to Diego Martin.
"MP, corporation chair optimistic about Diego Martin borough status"