No disasters in north, east Trinidad despite days of rain

Regional corporations are reporting a few landslides and mild flooding in east Trinidad after three days of bad weather.
Chairman of the Tunapuna/Piarco Regional Corporation Kwesi Robinson told Newsday on Monday morning there had been reports of landslide and flooding between Friday and Sunday.
"We had flooding Friday night into Saturday along Henry Street in Arouca. We had soil erosion in Windsor Heights, where one family was affected. There was also a series of landslides in Arima Old Road.
Robinson said with this type of rain he doesn't expect to see much flooding.
"But we expect more landslides.
"We have checked watercourses and they are filled, especially in areas that flood, but we continue to monitor that."
Chairman of the Sangre Grande Regional Corporation Anil Juteram said there were few reports of over the weekend in his district.
"There were a couple trees that fell but that was nothing. As we speak today, the member of parliament for Cumuto/ Manzanilla Dr Rai Ragbir and myself are touring all areas in the district and Toco/Sangre Grande to look at damage and what relief and recommendations can be brought to Parliament and at the local government level in the corporation.
Councillor for Toco/Fishing Pond Terry Rondon told Newsday he was relieved to report only one fallen tree.
"There is nothing on the Toco road. But there's one tree that fell in Sangre Grande. The regional corporation is taking care of that.
"The place is clear, praise the Lord, surprisingly, with all the rain that fell in Sangre Grande. It's looking like more rain will come, but we are ready."
He said there are no reports of damage to any property.
"I talked to the ODPM (Office of Disaster Preparedness and Management) co-ordinator in Sangre Grande and I was told nothing, nothing, nothing.
"The (bad) weather isn't over yet," he added, "and we are hoping for the best."
Anthony Roberts, chairman of the San Juan/Laventille Regional Corporation, told Newsday there had only been one report of a fallen tree over the weekend and no other major incidents.
"This is good especially, since we usually have flooding, landslides when rain falls. But we don't have anything."
"No disasters in north, east Trinidad despite days of rain"