$128m spent on land for new ANR Robinson airport terminal

FIFTEEN property owners have recently received compensation by the government, bringing to 80 the number of property owners compensated for their land to make way for construction of a new terminal for the ANR Robinson Airport in Tobago.
This was confirmed in a press release from the Ministry of Finance on Monday. To date, the state has spent over $128 million to compensate property owners and acquire their land for the terminal construction and other associated works on the airport.
The National Infrastructure Development Company Limited (NIDCO), on behalf of the State, is continuing to issue payments of compensation through its land acquisition consultant ACQ & Associates to respective property owners.
Compensation is for 19.7 acres of the 53 acres of land required for construction of the new terminal, including seven commercial, 15 residential and five mixed (home/business) properties.
Once again, property owners who have settled with the State will be contacted by ACQ and Associates for the execution of legal indemnity agreements and collection of payments. The State will enter and take possession of settled empty lands as soon as compensation is paid.
The release called on property owners who are yet to commence the negotiation and settlement process are encouraged to contact ACQ and Associates at (868) 723-7475 / 342-8086 to make appointments for negotiation meetings.
"$128m spent on land for new ANR Robinson airport terminal"