Scant turnout at Trincity Mall for post-SEA celebrations

As public health regulations against dining at restaurants remain in effect, the long-observed tradition of families having meals at Trincity Mall after the results of the Secondary Entrance Assessment (SEA) exams was scrapped this year.
Many parents chose to celebrate their child's achievements at home.
Newsday visited the mall at around midday on Thursday, when few parents and children were seen milling about near the food courts.
One mother, Erica Murray, said while she and her daughter were disappointed they could not dine in at their restaurant of choice, she was grateful for the opportunity for more quality time.
"We are a bit disappointed that nothing is open, but it's given us some time to spend together, and...we were just going through her papers (results) here. So I think it's much better than going to the movies or whatever. So the pandemic has given us some bonding time, so there is a plus to the covid19, I guess."
Speaking with Newsday, another parent said she only took her daughter to the mall to get some ice cream, as they intended to stay at home.
"We weren't planning anything too flashy today. She did well in her exams, but because of everything going on with the pandemic, it would be best for us to spend some quiet time together before she goes back out to school."
While most schools in the past would have had a generally festive atmosphere as results were distributed, it was relatively quiet outside the Arima Boys' Government Primary School as parents waited for their children.
One parent, Sharon Harry, told Newsday the pandemic has changed traditional post-exam celebrations for students, and she would also be celebrating her son's achievements at home.
"I was just telling another parent that last year when results came out, the children were so happy they went to KFC and the mall and had a whole day of fun, But because of the coronavirus we just had to collect the results and back home.
"He wants to go to KFC just to grab a bite to take home, he just wants that, and once he gets that we're good as well."
Speaking with Newsday at the Gandhi Memorial Vedic School, Aranguez, Simone Kissoon, the mother of the third top SEA performer Sushmita Ramsawak, said the pandemic has prompted her to cancel any outings.
"Even the kind of celebration today is a bit tough. We can't go anywhere. Usually a day after results would be a day for the beach, but we can't do that.
"So we just have to be thankful that we see the results we worked hard for."
"Scant turnout at Trincity Mall for post-SEA celebrations"