Art Society to host Sundiata's Milestones

WHAT immediately stands out to viewers of Sundiata’s work has been the way he has utilised colours, along with his understanding of light.
Both characteristics have been complementary forces within his portfolio, from his oil and watercolour paintings to his pencil and charcoal sketches and to his sculptural forms in hard wood.
His latest set of creations will be released in an upcoming show, Sundiata – Milestones, which runs from October 10-21 at the Art Society of TT in Federation Park. Street scenes and nudes will represent many of the depictions from the hand of Sundiata that will be on display, said a media release.
Born Winston Ian Stewart in Barbados, the full-time painter and sculptor, who has lived in TT since the 1970s, is unique thanks to his mastery of different media. He has staged exhibitions throughout the Caribbean, North America, South America and Europe. His efforts over the past five decades have earned him numerous awards for his paintings, drawings and sculptures.
There will be a two-day preview on October 8 and 9, 12- 6 pm. Opening day is from 10 am-2 pm; Tuesdays to Fridays, 12- 6 pm; and October 21, 10 am-2 pm.
"Art Society to host Sundiata’s Milestones"