Woman, 80, wants villager to stop poisoning her zaboca tree

AN 80-YEAR-OLD woman is asking for help to stop a woman from poisoning the avocado tree in the yard of her home at Betsy Street, La Romaine.
Fighting back her tears, Vera McEachrane said this has been happening for the last seven months and she does not know where or who to turn to for help.
“I have made reports to the police. They did respond – and then the next day she will continue spraying this chemical on my tree to kill my avocado tree.
"I am not well, I have so many complications to deal with, and this has been taking a toll on my health for the past few months.”
McEachrane said she believes the chemical is mixed with urine.
“I don’t know what is the chemical but it also has urine in it, as you get that smell. It is really frustrating for me. I am so fed up. I planted this tree 15 years ago by myself and to watch this happen, it breaks my heart,” McEachrane said.
She said the woman lives in the village.
"She does not enter my property but she would stand from a distance and aim at the tree, spraying."
McEachrane said she would beg the woman to stop but she ignores her pleas.
“I took care of this tree for so long. I watched it blossom. I ate from it. I give away so many avocados. And now this woman out of spite is slowly poisoning my tree."
She said when the tree bears she gives away the fruit to the villagers.
“At one time I was giving her bags of avocados. Now the avocados are dropping to the ground and most of them are black and rotten from whatever chemical she is using in the bottle that is poisoning the tree."
A few months ago,she said, after an argument, the woman told McEachrane she would get revenge by poisoning the tree.
"Please, please I am begging to stop this woman."
A report was made at the La Romaine police post.
"Woman, 80, wants villager to stop poisoning her zaboca tree"