TT volleyball duo Thompson, Esdelle pleased to be home

EUROPEAN-BASED women’s pro volleyball players Channon Thompson (Germany) and Krystle Esdelle (Italy) have welcomed their 14-day quarantine at the Home of Football in Couva after returning to TT on Sunday.
The pair expressed pleasure on their anticipated return home after enduring over four months of sporting inactivity and uncertainty in Europe, due to the global covid19 pandemic.
On Friday, Esdelle travelled to England to catch her long-awaited chartered flight home. There, she met up with Thompson, and the duo then journeyed to Barbados where they endured an almost 11-hour layover before boarding their final flight to TT.
Upon arrival, both players and fellow returning nationals were whisked away to nearby buses and immediately taken to the Couva facility to begin their mandatory quarantine period.
Thompson was impressed with the heightened measures of precaution implemented by the Government after disembarking. She also credited the medical staff at the Home of Football for maintaining a high level of professionalism and compassion when dealing with returning nationals at the step-down facility.
“It is a very sobering feeling to be back home. The nurses and staff are exceptional, the food is good and the facility is comfortable. They really do understand this was not a situation we asked to be placed in and I think as such they do their best to ensure we’re comfortable and everything is ok. Hats off to the government and everything they’re doing for us at this time,” Thompson said.
She added, “They really do have strict procedures in places to mitigate the spread in Trinidad. As we arrived at Piarco, we didn’t even go into the airport. It was literally straight off of the chartered flight and onto the bus with no contact with anyone. That was impressive to see.”
The 26-year-old had been stuck in Germany, since March, after the competitive season was cancelled due to covid19. There, she represented Bundesliga volleyball champions MTV Stuttgart for the 2019/2020 season. However, Thompson’s stint was cut short after rupturing her plantar fascia during a game in November 2019.
Unable to play, and losing out on her contract extension due to her prolonged injury, Thompson’s deal with Stuttgart expired in May and was now incapable of receiving therapy on the club’s behalf.
Her return to TT now begins a new chapter in Thompson’s career as she seeks to resume recovery and search for a new club. Although elated to be back, the national player remains hopeful that other nationals stuck in foreign countries can also secure a swift return home.
“It’s a weird feeling to be honest. I’m bombarded with a myriad of emotions because I feel happy and relieved to be back home but also slightly guilty because I have so many friends and other TT citizens who are not home as yet. I know exactly what they’re going through being so far away from family among all the other stressful financial and emotional challenges,” Thompson said.
Meanwhile Esdelle, who was stuck in Italy since the cancellation of the Italian women’s pro league in March, was elated to exit Europe and finally touch down on local soil.
After receiving her final travel exemption document on Friday, the 36-year old athlete left Italy on the same day en route to England.
“I feel relieved and happy. God has been kept me all this time and I am forever grateful,” said Esdelle.
Although Esdelle produced a negative covid19 test mere hours before she left Italy, she was tested once more in Barbados. Her second test produced a similar result which allowed her official entry into her penultimate destination.
Before the pair conclude their mandated 14-day quarantine on August 23, they will be tested once more. If their results are negative, the athletes will finally have a chance to return to their respective homes after an erratic last few months in Europe.
"TT volleyball duo Thompson, Esdelle pleased to be home"