Foreign missions seek calm as Guyana recount nears end

File: Guyanese protest alleged irregularities in the counting of votes by the Guyana Elections Commission which has resulted in an injuction stopping GECOM from announcing results of the March 2 elections.  -
File: Guyanese protest alleged irregularities in the counting of votes by the Guyana Elections Commission which has resulted in an injuction stopping GECOM from announcing results of the March 2 elections. -

EVEN AS the recount of ballots cast in Guyana's 2020 general and regional elections are almost complete, the US, British, European and Canadian embassies to Guyana, in a joint statement, asked that citizens there accept the final result.

"We congratulate those who have demonstrated an ongoing commitment to ensuring full transparency in the recount process," the statement read on behalf of the election observers.

The election took place on March 2.

By March 5, nine of the ten regions declared their results, with the PPP, headed by Irfaan Ali, leading by around 51,000 votes.

The election was followed with criticism from party and international observers for an apparent lack of transparency, after results showed that the APNU–AFC coalition, led by the incumbent David Granger, had won by 59,077 votes, a result that would give the party a one-seat majority in the national assembly

A previous joint statement from the US, British and Canadian and the EU embassies to Guyana in particular questioned the credibility of the Region Four results. On March 12, the Supreme Court ruled that a partial recount would take place for Region Four to verify votes.

A full recount in all ten districts was supervised by what Guyana media described by Guyanese media as "an independent high-level Caribbean community team" based on an agreement by both parties."

In its latest joint statement, the four parties congratulated those "who have demonstrated an ongoing commitment to ensuring full transparency in the recount process."

"This includes political parties, staff of the Guyana Elections Commission, scrutineers from the Caribbean Community and the Organization of American States, the advisor from the Commonwealth, and observers. The dedication of all is a credit to the democratic process in Guyana."

"We also commend President Granger and the leader of the Opposition for their support of the recount, and for their clear commitment to abide by the results."

It said, the with process nearing completion, "it is important for all stakeholders to uphold the integrity of the process and peacefully accept the wishes of the Guyanese population.

"There will be disappointment for those who have lost. Those who are elected must take on this responsibility with humility and demonstrate that they will govern for the benefit of every Guyanese citizen.

"We encourage party leaders to commit to constitutional reform and reconciliation to ensure every Guyanese, regardless of party affiliation, sees how their government will work in their best interest."


"Foreign missions seek calm as Guyana recount nears end"

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