Opposition Leader credits climate with low covid19 numbers

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar - File Photo
Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar - File Photo

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar said she believes the climate is responsible for the low numbers of covid19 cases and deaths which have occurred throughout the Caribbean.

She said cases and deaths in TT have been slow and few respectively, but it was interesting that the entire Caribbean is in the same position.

“So those who say we’ve done very well in Trinidad, we took the right measures and so on, well it means we’ve done very well in the whole Caribbean.”

She reiterated that she had called for a lockdown when the first death occurred because it would help stop the spread of the virus.

“But the other islands did the same and the rest of the world, now in some countries they locked down but it proved to be very deadly, so we are very blessed and we have to give praise and thanks.”


Persad-Bissessar said the lockdown had caused tremendous suffering and government has totally mismanaged the situation when it came to assisting people. She said more grants were announced at every press briefing, but some people had not received the first set of grants. She thanked her party activists and the good Samaritans who had assisted with the giving out of hampers and foodstuff.

She said it was one thing to be managing the lockdown, phasing the opening of the economy, and for there to be a roadmap to recovery team, but the roadmap must include something to create jobs and income. She said the government has no plan for doing so and was waiting for the recovery team to write their manifesto for the election.


"Opposition Leader credits climate with low covid19 numbers"

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