Covid19 measures around the Caribbean


OVER the last month, several Caricom countries have taken measures to contain the spread of covid19 pandemic.

These actions have differed from total lockdowns of towns and cities to severe restrictions on public movement.

Here is a snapshot of some of the countries and the measures they took.

In TT, to date there have been 115 positive covid19 cases, eight deaths and 53 people discharged.

On Saturday, the Prime Minister announced an extension of covid19 measures until May 15. Measures taken to prevent the spread of covid19 include closure of TT's borders on March 22, suspension of non-essential services, regulation of hours of essential services and limits on public gatherings to no more than five people. TT has a population of 1.4 million people.

In Barbados, a 24-hour curfew was extended from April 13 to May 3. The curfew began on March 28. Residents are restricted to shopping in supermarkets, fish markets, hardware stores, and banks between certain hours and days based on the first letter of their surname. People entering Barbados are subject to a mandatory 14-day quarantine period. As of April 20, there have been 77 covid19 cases, six deaths and 31 people discharged. Barbados' population is 287,375 people.

Jamaica has reported 288 covid19 cases, seven deaths and 28 people recovered. On April 22, the Jamaican government announced a 6 am to 6 pm daily curfew. Jamaica has a population of 2,961,167 people.

In St Vincent and the Grenadines, from March 19, people arriving from China, European Union, Iran, South Korea, USA, Canada and the UK will be subjected to a mandatory 14 days quarantine St Vincent and the Grenadines have recorded 14 covid19 cases, no people discharged, no deaths. This country's population is 110,940 people.

Grenada declared a 21-day limited state of emergency from March 25. Grenada' recorded 15 covid19 cases, seven people recovered, no deaths. Grenada has a population of 112,523 people.

Guyana reported 73 covid19 cases, 12 people recovered, and eight people died. Guyana's covid19 measures included closure of all its borders, airports, and ports and closure of non-essential businesses. Guyana has a population of 786,552 people.

Suriname recorded 10 covid19 cases with one death and seven people recovering. Suriname's measures include a state of emergency and a ban on gathering of groups with more than ten people. Suriname has a population of 586,632 people.

Dominica reported 16 covid19 cases with nine people recovering as of April 21. This country declared a state of emergency on April 1 and extended it to June 30. Dominica's population is 71,954 people.

St Kitts and Nevis a state of emergency has been extended from April 18 at 6 am to April 25 at 6 pm. St Kitts has reported 15 covid19 cases, no deaths, no one discharged. St Kitts and Nevis has a population of 53,127 people.

Antigua and Barbuda have recorded 24 covid19 cases, three deaths, no discharges. A 24-hour curfew is in effect from April 23 to May 14. Antigua and Barbuda's population is 97,929 people.

St Lucia recorded 15 covid19 cases and all the patients recovered. It is under a state of emergency which began on March 23 and will now run until May 31. St Lucia has a population of 183,627.


"Covid19 measures around the Caribbean"

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