'Religious leaders have info on most needy'
Government is being called on to reach out to religious leaders nationwide, to better determine those truly in need.
Bishop Preston Williams made the appeal on Thursday after government gave temporary food cards to MPs to distribute to citizens affected by the covid19 crisis.
Several businesses have closed, with employees either working from home, retrenched or getting decreased salaries. Bars and churches were ordered closed by government. Several restaurants continued to operate through curbside purchases only.
Williams said, "We stand ready to assist in any way government needs us to. We do know ministers and councillors are the ones entrusted to do so, but government really ought to connect with all religious bodies, not just the Baptist leaders, to identify and truly help those most in need.
Williams represents the Obadiah St Philomena Orisha Healing School, Kelly Village, Laventille.
Several relief measures have already been put in place by the Ministry of Social Development and Family Services (MSDFS) including salary relief and increases in the social services grants, on or by April 15.
Williams said, while government may have databases within the different ministries, it is those on the "ground" who really see the plight of the underprivileged.
That, he said, was just one of the many issues recently discussed with Archbishop Barbara Gray-Burke of the Council of Elders Spiritual Baptist, and others, in light of the increasing number of cases.
Williams also called on the nation to "see the message, in the crisis." He called on citizens to adhere to government's stipulations, stay at home, observe social distancing and keep safe.
"Please take this seriously. Follow what government and the protective services are advising. This is no longer about enjoying one's self and party. Safeguard yourself and families. Stay inside."
Williams said, he expects that when TT has overcome the pandemic, religious leaders will come together, as will the Baptist community, and host a mass service for thanksgiving for lives spared.
"‘Religious leaders have info on most needy’"