Palo Seco schoolgirls suspended after fight

Four female Palo Seco Secondary School students were suspended after a fight on Tuesday evening.The fight reportedly took place on Tuesday evening and police had to be called.
TTUTA second vice president Kyrla Robertson-Thomas lamented the lack of parental guidance at schools.In an interview yesterday, she said the principal temporarily suspended four of the girls involved in the brawl, which has since gone viral on social media platforms.The principal, she said, “spent most of yesterday, in conjunction with police officers, trying to treat with the issue.”She said the principal had said part of the problem was two of the parents of the girls were “bullies” and police at the school “had to separate even the parents, because the parents are supporting and endorsing the actions of their children.”Robertson-Thomas said the principal said things got so unruly on Wednesday that had the police not been present, “Things might have worsened.”She added, “So it speaks to parental involvement and the fact that we seem now to be a society that is letting our young people loose without giving them appropriate guidance and partnering with the stakeholders like the school, church or religious institutions to instil values and morals.” She said the principal had spoken to a social worker “to provide some sort of intervention, because...he is not getting the kind of support from home so that the girls will understand that what they are doing is wrong.”A Ministry of Education official said the four had been suspended for seven days.He said they will have to report to the School’s Services Division for intervention and counselling after they go back to school.
"Palo Seco schoolgirls suspended after fight"