More prize money for school bands

THERE is more money in store for the school bands participating in the National Schools Junior Panorama competition. The winner will receive $20,000, while second place gets $18,000 and $16,000 for third position, in the primary and secondary category only.
The new prizes were revealed at the National Carnival Commission’s (NCC) VIP Lounge, Queen’s Park Savannah, Port of Spain, where the draw for positions for Sunday’s National Junior Pan finals took place on Thursday.
The Education Ministry’s project co-ordinator of the Multi-Cultural Music Programme Unit (MMPU), Auburm Wiltshire announced the new prizes.
Wiltshire said, “The prize money has increased by $2,000 in the two categories. We want to encourage the schools not to focus on only winning, but learn the about the art form and fair play.
“Too many schools focus on winning but this year we want to encourage students in other activities. Last year we had some unfair play, we are looking for a certain amount of discipline. The competition is aimed at building character and citizens.”
He said the MMPU would come down hard on unfair players who feel there are no rules to the competition.
“If it was to ever happen again we are going to make some examples. They can see themselves being banned from the competition for some years, if bands allow people to play who are not students of the school.
“We are also calling on those who use fireworks as theatrics in the competition to let us know so that we can communicate with the TT Fire Service to put the relevant precautions in pace.”
Wiltshire said as a musician he did not see the need for theatrics because music is a standalone. However, he said it is all up to the bands.
The competition begins at 9 am on Sunday at the Queen’s Park Savannah, Port of Spain. The bands will play in the following order:
1. Tacarigua Presbyterian Primary School
2. St Margaret’s Boys’ Anglican School, Belmont
3. San Fernando Boys RC Primary School
4. St Mary’s Government Primary School
5. 5th Company (St Gregory’s) Anglican Primary
6. Couva Anglican Primary School
7. Success RC Primary School, Laventille
8. Febeau Government Primary School
9. 5th Company Baptist Primary School
10. Guaico Presbyterian Primary School
11. Bethlehem Boys & Girls Combined RC Schools
12. Tranquillity Government Primary School
1. Holy Cross College
2. La Romaine Secondary School
3. Bishop Anstey and Trinity College East combined
4. Naparima Girls High and Naparima College combined
5. St Francois Girls College
6. Bon Air Secondary School
7. Waterloo Secondary School
8. Bishop Anstey High School
9. Providence Girls and Queen’s Royal College combined
10. St Augustine Secondary School
"More prize money for school bands"