Minor reshuffle of Pan Trinbago executive

Three changes have been made to the Pan Trinbago executive after a general meeting on Tuesday evening.
The meeting was held at the Communication Workers Union, Henry Street, Port of Spain and was the first meeting of the general membership for the year. A source told Newsday of the changes in the executive by president Beverley Ramsey-Moore. Keith Simpson, who was a trustee, has now been assigned to the position of vice president; Lauren Pierre, formerly the assistant secretary, is now a trustee replacing Simpson; and Carlon Yearwood, formerly the vice president, is now assistant secretary.
"This was just a constitutional action put into effect. There was no fallout with the executive. Just as the prime minister makes changes with the Cabinet, after one year you switch people around.
The meeting was to update members on Panorama and to look at the two shows already held for the season – the Single Pan finals and the Small Bands competition, and to plan the way forward for the medium and large band competitions. The members reported being generally satisfied with the shows and submitted suggestions for improvements.
Also at the meeting, assistance cheques for start-up funding and mobilisation fees, which are part of the allocation for Pan Trinbago from the National Carnival Commission, were distributed to members.
"Minor reshuffle of Pan Trinbago executive"