Protest for men charged with gun, ganja, cocaine possession

Relatives of two men charged with possession of two 12-gauge rifles, four cartridges, 38 kilograms of marijuana and 12 kilograms of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking, protested outside the Sangre Grande Magistrates' Court on Monday.

They demanded police produce all the drugs the men were charged for. Amish Poyal and Shane Ishan were arrested by PC Navarro on January 16 at Toco Old Road, Sangre Grande. While senior magistrate Brambhanan Dubay was reading out the charges, shouts were heard from outside – "Thou shall not steal, the Bible say so."

The men were not called upon to plead as the charges were laid indictably. The men's attorney, Ian Brooks, also called on the magistrate to demand that the police produce all the drugs they claimed the men had in their possession. Brooks also claimed that alleged threats made by the accused were not noted as oral utterances. Brooks claimed that Navarro was “pulling a red herring” on his clients. Poyal and Ishan will reappear in court on Wednesday.


"Protest for men charged with gun, ganja, cocaine possession"

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