No stipends still for 2019

THE EDITOR: On behalf of all the superintendents, supervisors, tutors and clerical staff of the continuation classes programme, which falls under the Ministry of Education, I express our total dissatisfaction with the treatment meted out to us.

To date we have not received our stipends for January to December 2019. We provide a service during the school academic year, Monday to Thursday between 4 pm and 7 pm, to adults so that they can obtain CXC pass/passes or perhaps obtain a higher grade than what they had before.

Over the years, the wait for our payments has gotten from bad to worse and I had to write several letters to the editor highlighting our plight. The ministry is not bothered in the least.

Once more, we are pleading with Minister Anthony Garcia to intervene so that we can receive our stipends on a timely basis.



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"No stipends still for 2019"

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