Garcia: Education system needs active stakeholders

WHILE the major task of the Ministry of Education is to ensure a robust curriculum system is developed, distributed and implemented properly, there is a need for active involvement of all stakeholders, Education Minister Anthony Garcia said on Monday.
He was speaking at the opening of a two-day workshop for 37 teachers hosted by the ministry in collaboration with Lions Clubs International on how to use the Lions Quest Programme.
Garcia said the ministry could not do it alone.
“We need all of our stakeholders on board, and the Lions International has always been a very valued and important stakeholder in the education system.
“This programme will equip you (teachers) with the skills to recognise and assist students who display certain behavioural patterns.”
The two-day workshop will take place at the Education Towers, St Vincent Street, Port of Spain.
Garcia said he was very happy teachers had turned out to attend the programme.
He said the educational skills training programme was designed to assist students in dealing with the number of problems that confront them daily, which include self-awareness, self-management, and social skills.
“Today’s activity, I’m sure, will benefit all of you and further equip you to go back to your schools to ensure that you deliver the curriculum in your classrooms.
“You will be better able to come to terms with some of the difficulties and challenges that we face in the classroom. Almost on a daily basis we see and hear of reports of indiscipline among our students.”
While boasting indiscipline and violence have decreased in schools, Garcia said his ministry has one mandate, which is a continuous reduction in the level of indiscipline and violence in schools.
Garcia said what is most upsetting to him is that people feel they have all the answers to the challenges and problems in the ministry.
He said statistical information gathered, indicated that the ministry had been successful in reducing the surge of indiscipline and violence in schools.
“The information we have is that of the 700-odd schools we have in the education system, indiscipline is really found in one per cent in all those schools.
Garcia said he was very happy to note that the Lions International Lions Quest Programme will play a very important role in the education system.
"Garcia: Education system needs active stakeholders"