PNM, UNC rallies for local govt election

With just three weeks before the December 2 local government poll, both the ruling PNM and the Opposition UNC are scheduled to launch their election campaigns today.
PNM supporters are expected to pack Queen’s Park Savannah (QPS), Port of Spain while the UNC is also preparing for a large turnout at the Couva South Multi-purpose Carpark, Camden Road, Couva.
The PNM is launching under the banner – Getting it done, while the UNC’s theme is Worknation. The parties are expected to field a full slate of 139 candidates.
In a Facebook live broadcast yesterday morning, PNM social media officer Avinash Singh together with public relations officer, Laurel Lezama-Lee Sing, and St Ann's East MP Dr Nyan Gadsby-Dolly, gave supporters a back stage view of preparations at QPS.
Singh, who conducted the tour, said the launch would be “one of the biggest PNM events” as it is also the party’s 49th annual convention. Lezama-Lee Sing said the convention would take place in the morning with the laying of reports while ten people are scheduled to receive the Dr Eric Williams medal of honour. (This medal is the party’s highest award and is bestowed upon long standing members with outstanding and meritorious service.) The Prime Minister is expected to give his address in the evening. Gadsby-Dolly said the convention village will feature a food court and music from various artistes including a parang band.
UNC public relations officer Anita Haynes said the party will not engage in any “back and forth” with the PNM as leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar is expected focus on “what we need to do to move the nation forward.”
“She is moving outside of any back and forth with the PNM and will instead focus on national development,” Haynes said. The official Worknation song will be performed by several of the party’s local government candidates.
She said mobilisation has been an “ongoing effort” even before the election date was announced as the party had been building support through its pre-budget consultations and other meetings.
“The sentiment is people are very excited. We expect a big crowd, we expect a lot of excitement, weather notwithstanding, it is going to be a very good launch for us.”
Political analyst Mukesh Basdeo said the simultaneous campaign launches were not out of the ordinary saying the parties also usually held their closing rallies on the same day. He said this local government election is being seen as a precursor for the 2020 general election with the parties using the results as a benchmark and would not only focus on the corporation seats but also electoral districts which could change hands.
“What is also important is if there are local council seats that are going to change hands from one to the other, it will be a signal to the political parties themselves, example, San Fernando City Corporation or the Mayaro/Rio Claro Regional Corporation, so there are areas you can gauge by looking at the local government areas.”
Basdeo said it was too early to predict which party would triumph as there were also new players such as the Louis Lee Sing party – the Port of Spain People's Movement – in the Port of Spain City Corporation and the MSJ which was also contesting several districts.
"PNM, UNC rallies for local govt election"