WASA: Reservoirs still low, keep conserving water

The Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA), in a release on Tuesday, said the three main impounding reservoirs in Trinidad are below level and water restrictions remain in effect.
The release said the water level at the Arena Reservoir in Caroni was at 52.01 per cent while the long-term average (LTA) is 80.89 per cent. Navet Reservoir has reached 36.42 per cent with a LTA of 80.30 per cent.
The authority said the Hollis Reservoir in Arima is at 44.75 with a 78.71 per cent LTA and Hillsborough reservoir in Tobago is at 100 per cent while the LTA is 92.75 per cent.
“The cumulative shortfalls in rainfall at each reservoir in millimetres (mm) over the period January to October 2019 have been: 297 mm at Hollis, 294 mm at Navet, 120 mm at Arena, and 168 mm at Hillsborough.
“Notably, the Hollis and Navet Reservoirs, which had the highest percentage deficit in rainfall during October 2019, also have the highest cumulative shortfall for the year.”
The authority encouraged consumers to continue strict water conservation measures by using water only as required, even throughout the upcoming holiday season.
After 2019's harsh dry season the authority said reservoirs continues to be negatively affected by below-average rainfall throughout this wet season.
The authority said this trend continued during October when deficits in rainfall levels were as follows – Navet
–32.6 per cent, Hollis –26 per cent, Arena – 8 per cent and Hillsborough – 5.8 per cent.
“The cumulative shortfalls in rainfall at each reservoir in millimetres (mm) over the period January to October 2019 have been: 297 mm at Hollis, 294 mm at Navet, 120 mm at Arena, and 168 mm at Hillsborough.
“Notably, the Hollis and Navet reservoirs, which had the highest percentage deficit in rainfall during October 2019, also have the highest cumulative shortfall for the year.”
The authority said production levels at both Hollis and Navet were being maintained at approximately half their respective capacities.
In light of that, the authority said customers in parts of Arima served by the Hollis Water Treatment Plant (WTP), as well as parts of Tableland, New Grant, Princes Town and Mayaro served by the Navet WTP continued to experience a reduced regularity of pipe-borne water supply.
Customers in some parts of North, Central and South West Trinidad, served by the Caroni WTP, may have also experienced some irregularity in their water supply, as production at the plant was reduced because of reduced water availability.
WASA said it was closely monitoring distribution schedules and making minor adjustments where possible, as well as working with local government and other representatives to provide a supplemental truck-borne water supply to customers in affected areas.
“Customers are reminded that the water-use restrictions apply to the use of hoses, pressure washers, decorative water features and other similar apparatus and such restrictions remain in force until further notice.”
WASA also encouraged consumers to continue strict water conservation measures by using water only as required, even during the upcoming holiday season.
"WASA: Reservoirs still low, keep conserving water"