President: Be people of value

President Paula-Mae Weekes on Wednesday encouraged more than 100 secondary students to become people of value.
As feature speaker at En To To’s workshop, Keys to Success: Doh Hot-Up Yuh Head, at City Hall, Knox Street, Port of Spain, Weekes said being of value means steering clear of the selfish and “me first” mentality that causes people to seek their own interests at the expense of those around them.
She told the students people of value are more than consumers – they are contributors who give back to their country.
“They find ways and means of serving the greater good and helping people around them in small and big ways. I consider good citizens to be people of value.
“Their actions are living examples of this nation’s guiding watchwords: Discipline, Production and Tolerance. They may not be the most academically gifted or live in the fanciest neighbourhoods, but their internal values are aligned with those of TT.”
Weekes said people of value embody the principles and ideals that build up, not drag down, their fellow men.
She said people of value understand that no man is an island entire unto itself and that the community thrives because of the contribution of its individual parts, and the individual cannot thrive without the input of others.
“So my advice to you: you are a person of value when you work hard at school but also lead a balanced, mindful life. Expand your horizons beyond schoolwork and start from now to think about how you can contribute to your community.
“Consider spending time with the elderly or volunteering with a charity or participating in a beach or neighbourhood clean-up. Think of creative ways to improve your community.”
Weekes told the students there are many ways they can be productive and useful citizens.
She said she is in the process of evaluating the entries in the President’s Awards for Service Excellence and Innovation in the Public Sector, which seek to identify and applaud projects which aim to strengthen TT’s public service through innovation.
She said creativity and innovation are critical to the future and she will always encourage young people to consume less while creating more.
“Carve your own paths –you don’t have necessarily to adhere to the traditional definitions of success. Go bold, go brave – doh hut up yuh head – but ensure that your country can share in the benefits of your accomplishments,” Weekes said.
En To To’s co-founder Michael Blackman told the students if they wanted to be successful in life they must be willing to make personal sacrifice, have patience and be dedicated in all they do.
Ten representatives along with two teachers from 36 secondary schools across TT attended the workshop.
"President: Be people of value"