[UPDATED] Rambachan: Bring back soldier bill

TABAQUITE MP Dr Surujrattan Rambachan has called for the re-introduction of legislation to precept soldiers because of the upsurge in murders over the past two weeks.Rambachan, a former works and infrastructure minister, was responding to a media conference by National Security Minister Stuart Young on Sunday, at which Young appealed to the public to help the protective services in the fight against crime.“Tell us where the illegal firearms are stored. We’ll get them, and you will remain safe. Tell us the criminal activities in your communities for us to stomp on. We’ll make inroads into fighting crime in TT,” Young said.But Rambachan expressed disappointment, saying, “For once the minister was not his normal self-assured, confident self. He mumbled and fumbled to announce that he will be very grateful if citizens would call Crime Stoppers to give information.
“This appears to be the highlight of his conference.
“How different is this to the Commissioner of Police giving out his telephone number?
“The blatant truth is that people are afraid to give information because they are scared for their lives.
Even the commissioner has noted that police are leaking out information to criminals.”He said one measure to stamp out corrupt activities in the police service would be to give CoP Gary Griffith the tools to fight crime, with one such tool being the precepting of soldiers.
He said the time called for unusual measures, as it is no longer “business as usual,” as videos posted on social media of criminals physically fighting with police confirm that “there is a war taking place under our very noses.
“The unusual situation calls for more determined action on the part of the security forces while respecting the law and the constitution. To say we are in trouble is an understatement.”The previous People’s Partnership administration had tried to give soldiers on joint patrols with police, the same power to stop, detain, search and arrest anyone suspected of criminal activities.The bill was called the Defence (Amendment) Bill, or the “Soldier Bill.”Rambachan said while Young had announced government’s willingness to pay for illegal guns that were handed in, there was no announcement on policy and the amount of the reward.
He also questioned the billion-dollar upgrade to the country’s radar system almost four years into the PNM administration’s term of office.“Why did it take so long (almost four years) for Minister Young to get Cabinet approval to fix the radar in the southwest peninsula, which from all the evidence available is the main source of illegal guns. Where was the Coast Guard for the last four years? Is there any truth to the assertion that there was no money to buy fuel?”“The borders remained unsecured, creating a free-for-all with today’s consequences. It now appears from the type of guns being seized that the criminals are on par with the security forces,”he charged.
He said Griffith should also consider an army base in Cedros as well as Moruga and Los Iros.
This story has been adjusted to include additional details. See original post below.
Tabaquite MP Dr Surujrattan Rambachan is calling for the re-introduction of legislation to precept soldiers because of the upsurge in murders over the past two weeks.
Rambachan, a former works and infrastructure minister, was responding to a media conference by National Security Minister Stuart Young on Sunday.
Young had appealed to the public to help the protective services in the fight against crime.
“Tell us where the illegal firearms are stored. We’ll get them, and you will remain safe. Tell us the criminal activities in your communities for us to stomp on. We’ll make inroads into fighting crime in TT,” Young said.
But Rambachan expressed disappointment, saying, “For once the minister was not his normal self-assured, confident self.
He mumbled and fumbled to announce that he will be very grateful if citizens would call Crime Stoppers to give information.
"This appears to be the highlight of his conference. How different is this to the Commissioner of Police giving out his telephone number?
"The blatant truth is that people are afraid to give information because they are scared for their lives. Even the commissioner has noted that police are leaking out information to criminals.” He said one measure to stamp out corrupt activities in the police service would be to give CoP Gary Griffith the tools to fight crime, with one such tool being the precepting of soldiers. “I believe that Mr Gary Griffith is well intentioned and doing a great service to Trinidad.
"I believe that he can’t do it alone. He is fighting criminals inside the police service and as well the criminals and gangs on the outside. He is trying very hard.
"I think the CoP should seek to precept soldiers so that they are empowered. When the PP Government brought this legislation, it was roundly rejected by the then Opposition and Independents. The time has come to revisit this piece of legislation," Rambachan said.
"[UPDATED] Rambachan: Bring back soldier bill"