Rowley: 13,933 Venezuelans registered

The Prime Minister said 13,933 Venezuelans have registered as of Thursday evening. Dr Rowley gave the figure in Parliament this morning when he also insisted the registration process will end tonight.
While he did not indicate exactly what time the process would be closed, Commissoner of Police Gary Griffith said it would all be over at 5 pm.
"I know nothing about any extension," Griffith added.
Griffith spoke this morning outside the Queen's Park Oval where he said counter to what people thought, there were not tens of thousands of migrants trying to register and the system of giving numbered chits to migrants seems to have worked.
At the Oval this morning, the number of migrants was significantly fewer than in previous days. People at the Oval believe the decrease in migrants attempting to register today could be a result of the migrants fearing both the anti-government protesters who appeared last night, and not being able to register in time.
"Rowley: 13,933 Venezuelans registered"