Crisis amongst our youths
THE EDITOR: Once more TT is privy to some shocking news – statistics showing that 169 school children became pregnant within the last five years. The report goes on to say that between 2014-2018 there were 3,777 teenage pregnancies. When we look at the age group that is filling our prisons, those being murdered and also involved in crime in this country, our young generation is making the headlines. Recently I saw a gambling establishment packed with young people behind the slot and roulette machines with their drinks in hand. Let us not forget this is our future generation and we all must be concerned.
I am well aware that in this country there are those young people who have applied themselves and are really progressing. But the harsh reality is that thousands of them are just falling through the cracks and, due to unfortunate circumstances, their lives are being destroyed. Our youths are in crisis and if something is not done now to deal with this I wonder what TT would be like in the next few years. Only time will tell.
As a people, the responsibility is on our shoulders and change must begin at the home. Parents, they are our children we cannot leave their upbringing or training to someone else. It as is simple as that. Let us stop blaming everyone else and try to see the serious role that we must play in our children lives.
To our leaders, more needs to be done in the area of protecting and educating our young people when it comes to behaviour, and all that goes on with life. Why should we have that quantity of children and young girls being pregnant? We need to find out the reason and deal with it.
If we do not do something to change the path that many of the youths are taking, our lives and the future of this country will be in danger.
Let's save our youths.
Arnold Gopeesingh, San Juan
"Crisis amongst our youths"