No bail for accused in Palo Seco chopping
The man accused of attacking and chopping a Palo Seco family of three last Sunday has been refused bail.
Evans Cornwall, 40, of Savannah Road, Gonzales Village, was denied bail when he appeared before Magistrate Ava Vandenberg-Bailey in the Siparia Magistrates Court yesterday.
He was arrested on Sunday after a police search and slapped with three charges, of wounding Lizann Forester, 30; her father Leslie Forrester, 57; and mother Jennefer Alexander, 55, with intent to kill.
The charges stemmed from an incident at the family’s home at about midday when a man confronted the family in their living room. Lizann was chopped on the neck, back and chest and her parents were chopped on their faces, hands and back. Leslie’s left hand was chopped off in the attack.
Vandenberg-Bailey told Cornwall the charges were laid indictably and he was not called upon to plead.
Police prosecutor Sgt Sheldon Salazar objected to bail, telling the magistrate the three family members were still in hospital in a critical condition.
Attorney Vishan Girwar represented Cornwall, who works as a sand-blaster and has no previous convictions.
Vandenberg-Bailey upheld the objection and remanded Cornwall into custody to reappear on June 4.
"No bail for accused in Palo Seco chopping"