Cana­di­an-born To­ba­go-bred singer/song­writer for TJE 2019

Roots reggae singer Caleb Hart, stage name Braveheart, will make his Tobago Jazz Experience debut today.
Roots reggae singer Caleb Hart, stage name Braveheart, will make his Tobago Jazz Experience debut today.

Cana­di­an-born To­ba­go-bred singer/song­writer Caleb Hart, known as Brave­hart, the founder and lead vo­cal­ist of North-Amer­i­can roots reg­gae band Tas­man Jude, is set to grace the stage at the Tobago Jazz Experience 2019.

Hart, who described himself as a performer since he was a young boy growing up in Tobago, has taken his music across Canada and around the world to the Caribbean, Australia, USA and New Zealand full time since 2012. For the first time, Hart will perform at Thursday evening’s Jazz by the Waterfront.

“This is my first appearance at the Tobago Jazz Experience,” he said in an interview of Tuesday, “hopefully first of many.

“I’m extremely excited.” He said he’d been  looking forward to this since the moment the Festivals Commission contacted him to book him.

Along with racking up well over 800 shows to date, Hart has also released five albums, 12 singles, and won prestigious awards from Edmonton Folk Fest and the Western Canadian Music Awards, among others.

“I’m thankful for the opportunity to show my island home what the world has been seeing over the last seven years.

“The patrons can expect to experience my heart and soul in its rawest forms, through music,” he said.

Hart, retracing his steps, said he has been in love with singing for as long as he can re­mem­ber.

“I have been on the stage with a mic in my hand since I was four years old,” he recalled.

Those ten­der years, he said, spent at church with his fam­i­ly grow­ing up in To­ba­go were a bless­ing, be­cause the op­por­tu­ni­ty to make mu­sic was al­ways there.

He even­tu­al­ly wrote his first song, An­gel, 12, and it’s one of his band’s cur­rent sin­gles. But his biggest break came when he met Cana­da’s first dou­ble Gram­my hip-hop nom­i­nee and win­ner of over 80 in­ter­na­tion­al mu­si­cal awards, Robert Fresh IE Wil­son, in 2012.

His debut solo EP album Island Soul was released worldwide in June 2017, and his debut EP with his band the Royal Youths, OrigiNation, was released the following September.

He also released 11 original solo tracks through 2018, all of which are available on all major music platforms, and an album including all tracks to be released in 2019, produced by TT’s Track7.


"Cana­di­an-born To­ba­go-bred singer/song­writer for TJE 2019"

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