NACTA: Cynical voters in TT

THERE are a large number of cynical voters in TT who have an "almost complete" lack of interest in local politics.
They also have "a strong current of anti-incumbency."
These were some of the findings in the latest North American Caribbean Teachers Association (NACTA) poll which was released yesterday.
The Opposition remains very unattractive an an alternative "to win over the disenchanted and those who have parked up politically," and the People's National Movement (PNM) remains on course to retain power in local government elections this year and the general election in 2020.
The poll showed 59 per cent of respondents disapprove of the Government's performance, 34 per cent approve and seven per cent have no opinion.
But respondents are happy with the Government's efforts to improve the country's infrastructure.
NACTA said the status quo will remain in local government, with the PNM retaining seven of Trinidad's 14 local government corporations.
The United National Congress (UNC) will win five corporations and three others are up for grabs.
NACTA said if a general election were called soon, the PNM would comfortably retain its 21 seats in Trinidad, could win three more seats, and win both seats in Tobago. The latest survey in the the marginal seats of Moruga/Tableland, St Joseph and Tunapuna showed the PNM is well ahead to retain all three. Earlier surveys in Sangre Grande, LaHorquetta Talparo, and San Fernando West, showed the PNM "was ahead by a mile."
Almost half the voters would welcome a third party to challenge the PNM and UNC.
"NACTA: Cynical voters in TT"