Education Ministry reviews scholarships

THE Ministry of Education is working on revising the national scholarship programme to put a focus on technical vocational skills.
Dr Lovell Francis, Minister of State in the Ministry of Education, revealed this yesterday at the Integrated Arts and Technology Project showcase at the University of the West Indies (UWI) Department of Creative and Festival Arts, Gordon Street, St Augustine.
He said, “All of the data we have from the Ministry of Planning, the Ministry of Labour and our ministry that does projection of jobs in the future says that the skills areas have the greatest potential for growth in the economy. We have not been doing ourselves a service by not expending more energy, time and effort in ensuring our skills training spectrum service – technical vocational education have the most potential for growth.”
He said a committee was set up to review how scholarships are dispensed in order to prioritise the developmental needs of the country.
"Education Ministry reviews scholarships"